Purgatory Springs is an anthology series set in a Colorado spa town, where eccentric residents and drifters fight the forces of greed, corruption, blood feuds, and social injustice in a never-ending struggle to control the miraculous waters.
Currently available for development.
Created by David G Lucas
Journey Back to 1927
Everyone has a racket here, even the gals playing Mah-Jongg in the pool.
Pete Palermo, Rocky Mountain Bottling & Beverage
Turbulence swells when prohibition forces the town brewery into the malted milk business, creating a haven for bootleggers and a hotbed of gang rivalry. With lawlessness comes the rise of the Ku Klux Klan and tensions reach the boiling point in Purgatory Springs.
Excerpt from International Spa Review 1909
The springs have been noted for their curative qualities from time immemorial, having been frequented by the Indian previous to Spanish occupation and highly esteemed by both races since that date.
The curative waters have proved remarkably successful in the treatment of rheumatism, skin disease, derangement of the kidneys and bladder and especially of all venereal diseases.
Cases of paralysis after resisting the usual appliances of medicine have been sent to Purgatory Springs and immediately and permanently relieved.
Overheard in Purgatory Springs
Postcard from the Highway of Legends
The Spanish Peaks dominate the remarkable Purgatory Springs Scenery, as depicted in this nostalgic postcard. Let’s hear it for classic road trips!
Restorative Waters and Mountain Air
Rocky Mountain Utopia Situated at the mouth of Nunda Canyon in southern Colorado, Purgatory Springs was renowned for its curative mineral waters and healing hot
The “White Death” Made Colorado the World’s Sanatorium
The Fresh Air Cure Just over a century ago, tuberculosis was the leading cause of death in America. Known as consumption at the time, tuberculosis is